A Sensitive Soul

This Is The Way My Soul Or Spirit Sees The World. Things That are On My Mind And That Id Like To Share.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Finding A Long Lost Friend(And Possibly Losing Him Againe)

About 2 weeks ago i thought i located someone i met while i was a freshman in High School. I took the chance and sent an e-mail and the next day i got a reply. It was him! I was so happy to have found this friend againe. We e-mailed back and forth for 2 days. I vowed i would not lose track of him againe.

He ended up marrying my closest friend and i thought it was wonderful. I cared alot about them both you see. But that marriage wasnt meant to last. I remember getting closer to him in time even if he was now my best friends ex. He went away to California and we wrote to each other often then. Hes a very talented man and i never forgot that about him either. He wrote me a fantasy story and drew some pictures for me. I thought all this was so special. I thought that he thought i was special. I also thought what was happening between us was special. That eventually he'd return from Californis and maybe there would be a future for us.Guess that wasnt meant to be either.

My best friend snooped around my room one day and found the letters i was recieving from him. She got mad and thought i was betraying her and her friendship. But was i? I never went after any man she liked or cared about.(i cant say the same for her.Not once but twice.) We were friends still him and i. I knew him before they even met. Actually i introduced them! What did i do that i should feel bad about corresponding with him? For some unremembered reason after that i think we just stopped writing. Did i stop? Did he? Dont honestly know now. I just dont want it to happen againe.

End of this story or at least the end of a chapter. Ive not heard from him in 2 weeks and i miss him. He lives in New York and he works every day. Hes a very busy man. He has alot of social commitments and he also is a writer. Nearly has 2 books completed. One a publisher is very interested in. I always knew hed succeed with his dream.

Should i be worried that i havent heard from him? Or do i remind myself what i just said here and give him space?


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