A Sensitive Soul

This Is The Way My Soul Or Spirit Sees The World. Things That are On My Mind And That Id Like To Share.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Something Else To Think About

Something else to think about and i hope i do not offend anyone. Do you believe we should live for god or a higher power? Do we live life by chance? Do we really have free agency to live our life the way we want too?
God said he would not interfer. That we live our life. But there are people who believe all the tragedy in the world is our punishment for misbehaving. Then god is a liar and a hypocrite. Also then if god knows what is going to happen in our lives before it happens...its not free agency. Why do people pray for help.Send a miracle! But hes not suppose to interfer? Then why do some believe you pray and your prayers are answered if you believe? They believe too that there are angels and theyve been protected and saved from horrible things. But for others that doesnt happen. Favoritism? Arent we all suppose to be loved by god and are all the same in his or her eyes? Seems like someone or someones gods dont know whats really goimg on?
Maybe everything does just happen by chance. We give Faith the energy needed for change in our lives? Maybe the power of god has been in each and everyone of us from the beginning? Thats what ive been thinking.


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