A Sensitive Soul

This Is The Way My Soul Or Spirit Sees The World. Things That are On My Mind And That Id Like To Share.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Remembering Auschwitz

This may not be a subject that will interest everyone but it is something ive not been able to get off my mind in almost a week. I must say right now...Thank you Oprah for bringing such awareness to this horrible reality. Anyone who says that the Holocaust never happened is straight up in denial. You did not have to be there and live it to know it happened. Something of this monstrosity could not have been faked or made up.

Ive cried so much over this. I cant believe that something that has happened over 60years ago could affect me so much now. How could a loving god allow something so horrific to happen to anywhere from 1-6 million people. Most were jewish or polish catholic. If god doesnt make mistakes...what do you call hitler? I do not even know how to explain what i feel about him.

People were taking out of their homes with little possessions and packed in a freight car like cattle. Not being able to sit down,eat,breathe or go to the bathroom for hours and hours.The ones who survived that had no idea what was awaiting them. Older people,sick people young children and others deemed not fit for work were made to believe that they were being seperated from family, whod they see later after they had showers. Never knowing they would never see their loved ones againe. Babies being taken away from their mothers to spend their last hours ,moments sometimes with strangers. It really tore at my heart. People who were deemed fit to work had their heads shaved and given very little to eat. They worked all day for their masters knowing if they didnt keep going they would probably die too.

All this they did so calmly. With such dignity. Like i said never knowing what was going to happen to them. When they were dead they were treated like the trash that had to be piled up and burned. There is no reasoning behind any of this.

Listen people im not jewish neither am i a polish catholic but i cant believe that there was such hate for people that were different than the so call ed perfect white race. Why do people have to be so afraid of other peoples difference? They dont like the way you look,speak,act or even look at them and they are ready to kill you instead of asking them whats wrong. Its mostly something they are taking the wrong way or pulling out of proportion. Anyway its made me look at some things a whole lot differently now.

Maybe my next entry wont be as serious. But this is whats been in my mind.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Beginning For Everything

I have never kept a blog. Im sure its not much different than a diary or journal. Except here anyone and everyone may read whats on your mind.

This may not be so bad. I have kept journals most of my life. Here at least someone else may read and relate to what i had to say. Here you may get other peoples opinoins. I like knowing what other people are thinking and what they may say in return.

So...Heres to Beginnings! I like learning new things. But then this isnt so new. But i get tired of talking to myself. Anyone have anything to say? Feel free!